Mariagiri Higher Secondary School, situated at the undulating mountain ranges of the Western Ghats at Peerumedu in Idukki district at an altitude of 3500ft. above msl, spanning more than 7 acres, offering a beautiful environment conducive to education. The school today enjoys an unparalleled status of an “Excellent Institution “ of the Knanaya Community. Mariagiri School holds a rich history of over five decades which was started by legendary Rev Fr. Thomas Choolaparambil and is Excellency Mar Thomas Tharayil in 1966.
Our team had visited the School at Peerumedu to discuss their requirment of developing a website. This visit was really helpfull, mainly to understand the School atmospher, the Campus and the values for which the school stands for. The managment’s expectation about the website was very precise. They wanted the website to reflect the same sence as that of the School. Sourounded with natures beatuy the website had to look clean and colorful. This maid us to choose vibrant colors and emphasise each section with icons related to education.
This website has received appreciation from the managment and also from memebers of the community. This mobile friendly website has all the features required by a school. In the next phase the website would be made more informative and interactive.